Saturday, 19 February 2011

Why do the D of E- part TWO!

“Employers and universities recognise the value of having people who have a life away from their job.  This is where the DofE comes in, it's now become the leading Award for young people to demonstrate they have interests outside of everyday life.  Volunteering gives you a chance to make a difference to others and to their community.  I believe that you'll find your voluntary work will increase your confidence and self-esteem and give you new skills. I would advise you all to embrace volunteering opportunities; it's a great way to collect extra experience that could give you the edge at a college, university or job interview."- Ben Fogle (TV presenter and silver D of E holder)

 Physical Recreation
“Playing for the local football team really helped me get fit – and I watch what I eat now (less crisps!) so I have the energy to keep going for 90 minutes!  I’ve enjoyed learning about game strategies too and it’s my challenge to make sure I get picked for the first team every week." George (D of E participant)

“…We depended solely on everyone working as one.  We had very low points, but when we had highs, they were exceptionally high…I still keep in touch with my team…  this has to be one of the best things I have done…" Tim (D of E participant) 

“I learned so much…the tutors were such talented musician.  The highlight was taking part in the ‘Proms in the Park’ celebrations which was televised live." Dipak (Gold award holder)   

Residential (Gold award only)
“Before I went to India on my residential, I was told by a few people that it would be a life-changing experience.  At the time I didn’t believe them, but now I have returned, my perspectives on everyday life have been changed.  Our experiences at the Goodwill Village especially allowed me to grow as a person, gaining confidence and experiencing new sensations that very few people ever get to experience." Hannah (D of E participant)  

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