Whilst trying to get used to my new blog (this is my first ever blog-as you may have noticed!), I will be mixing between everyday posts, posts about my progress, and posts about why YOU (If you are over 16 but under 25, or if you have children under 25) should also do the D of E gold award. The website (http://www.dofe.org) is a one-stop haven of information about the award- it gives suggestions, ideas, tips and knowledge, as well as reviews on other D of E activities. I researched why I should undertake the D of E challenge, and I thought I should let you know:
-From the first day to the last, it will be a real adventure. Each different section gives you something new to have a go at.
-You will challenge yourself, discover new talents you never knew you had and make lifelong friends
-The sense of acheivement when you receive the award, and all the amazing discoveries you will make on the way
-You get recognition for doing things you enjoy and actually want to do
-You can help make a difference to peoples lives and the community around you
-Above all, its a great laugh and a life-changing experience
So, with all those great options listed above, why don't you have a go at your own D of E award?? Find out more at http://www.dofe.org.
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